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editing 2 dimentional pictures

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programs (applications) to use
these are the best programs to edit 2 dimentional graphics. you only need 2 programs to edit most pictures.
1. "paint" (installed with windows. the file name is "mspaint")
2. http://www.getpaint.net/index.html
a 3rd program you can use is http://www.gimp.org/ (gimp is a free "photoshop clone"). gimp2 is hard to learn and is designed for people who edit graphics on a daily basis. you don't usually need all the options in gimp2 (same with photoshop).
if i had to suggest a "main" graphics editor it would be paint.net. gimp and photoshop are too difficult to learn unless you already know how to use them. mspaint does not do a lot of things like rotate anything less than 90 degrees, layers, transparency, and special effects. that's why paint.net is the best downloadable program in this list. there are also online versions of picture editors like google's is the one i suggest. unfortunately paint.net is not being supported in windows anymore. you can still download it and use paint.net though.
the debian linux version of paint.net is "pinta".
adding animated gif ability to paint.net
you need to add the file "AnimatedGifLibrary.dll" to the folder "filetypes" which is probably located at " C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\FileTypesā€¯ and then close and open paint.net if it was open when you did that. you will find a new way to save files "animated gif" when you have more than 1 layer you are saving.
this link should work to download "animatedgiflibrary.dll". if it does not work you need to find the file yourself. paint.net has stopped being supported. you may also contact me and i can send the file directly to you if you need it.
editing pictures
making 2 dimentional graphics isn't that difficult. i will explain a few things i did not realize when i started editing graphics.
everything in graphics is in pixels with a computer. you can zoom in far enough and see the individual pixels in mspaint. this really helps if you want to modify a picture to make it look clear and crisp.
what i do when i do transparency is to make vastly different colors (like instead of white for the background, do pink or green for the background) and then when you "copy and paste" the picture from mspaint to paint.net, it's easy to make areas transparent. in paint.net there is a "magic wand" where you left click a section and then press the "delete" key on your keyboard to make an area of a picture transparent. you have to save the picture in "png" format because jpg does not support transparency.
paint.net has layers. layers are very useful for a lot of reasons. make sure you hide all layers except the layer you are working on, because paint.net lets you modify a layer you do not have selected "which i think is a bug"

editing 3d shapes anchor link
blender https://www.blender.org/ is the software you want to use. i've also heard maya is good, but i don't know if maya is free. there is some good paid software i have used extensively (autocad, corel), but blender is more than adequate. some things in blender are difficult to do, but once you learn the steps needed, it's not that difficult. the bugs in blender are easy to get around, and the design flaws are easy to work around. there are usually multiple ways to do something in blender, so if you encounter a problem, you can use another method.
below are the most basic instructions to make shapes in blender.
change some default settings
to save animations go to the properties window (starts on the right by default) and left click ono the camera icon on the left (if it's not selected). scroll down to 'output' and change 'png' to "avi jpeg", and then change the location it's saved from tmp to something else like your desktop. you want to change the "quality" to 100% for your final render. when you click 'animation' at the top it will render every frame individually one by one and save it as an avi in the folder in that 'output' section.
you want to open a second window by clicking the right corner and dragging to the left. when you render something, it's better to use a different window because there is a possible problem with switching back the render to a different view, and i don't know how to fix this. most of the video instructions i see tell you to do this anyway.
if you have any problem with settings you changed, load blender and then "file, open" and uncheck "load ui". this will revert everything except things you added to the scene to what they are initially when you install blender. i haven't found any major problems with the default blender settings.
you select things by clicking on it with right click (blender is going to change eventually to left click to select, so you can do this by "file, user preferences, input" and left clicking "select with" "left" and then left clicking "save user settings"
changing views
"view" menu. additionally there are some views not here. the num keys have some additional views.
numpads are the views (except 5)
numlock on or off is irrelevent
if you don't have a numpad go to "file, user preferences, input" and checking "emulate numpad" and then "save user settings" and then the "x" at the top right
numpad 5 is toggle square plane
you can alternatively hold the middle mouse button to rotate view, or if you don't have a middle mousebutton "file, user preferences, input, emulate mouse3"
numpad "." is zoom to selected object
numpad 0 is camera view. this is important when you are going to render something, you can see what the camera sees without taking the time to render.
create words and give them depth
make sure you are in "object mode" (not edit mode)
click "add, text"
change to "edit mode"
press the backspace key to delete the word text and type in whatever you want
change back to object mode
you probably have to drag the right window to the left, so the right window is wider. you will see an F near the top. left click that F and scroll down until you see the "geometry" heading. this is where you extrude. you might have to "select, select all" if the text is not orange. it has to be orange to extrude. this is by far the easiest way to extrude text in blender.
add textures to shapes (textures are pictures on shapes, so more than solid colors on shapes)
enter the texture screen, then create a new texture and select image or movie, and under image select open. Find the file you want to use as your texture and chose it. Now scroll down to Mapping and set your coordinates to 'Object', set your object to the cylinder we made, and finally set 'Projection' to 'Tube'. make sure you change the shading emission to 1 or something to show the texture. if you don't do that it won't show up
if "file" isn't showing at the top left, left clck the icon at the top left (or bottom left) with the up and down arrows, and left click "info".
some other things
if you can't do something to an object, changing it to a curve or mesh might allow you to be able to do it. some options don't appear unless the object is one or the other
there is an undo feature under history in the tools window. you can figure out which is the tools window by clicking "view, tool shelf" and it will disappear or reappear". this undo feature was crashing blender the last time i used it occasionally. i suggest saving before clicking the undo.
i had a problem trying to save what i was doing, and then it corrected itself. i don't know why it corrected itself, but it did. there might be a frustrating problem when trying to save. i don't know how to fix this because it just fixed itself magically somehow.