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it´s 100% legal because you don´t sign anything when you play at a casino saying you won´t use a system to play. If you get questioned by a staff member, just say you did what the guy next to you is doing, because by the time you start doing this, everyone at the table will be doing it and they won´t have any idea who started it until you´re safely out of the casino.
Walk into a casino where there are pure blackjack tables. I was one where the max limit was 32 times the minimum bet. You should walk into the casino with double the maximum table bet in cash. Make sure they are using chips to bet, not a touch screen. The dealer can use a machine or a regular wooden thing to deal it doesn´t really matter. Break 90% of the maximum bet and get chips from a different table. Bet the minimum, win or lose, have an excuse ready and leave for a different table. Try to get a dealer who looks tired. Keep the chips in your pocket, do not put them on the table. Break 90% of the max bet again at the 2nd table. This table is where you will win your money.
ok you are holding on 12 and betting on 11. If you have an ace you are hitting at 16 or under. Doing this will give you a 57% chance of winning every hand. Now the progressive betting system. I came up with this myself, so nobody knows i can do it. bet the minimum. win or lose just keep betting the min. If you win just keep betting the min, if you lose once, bet the min. Once you lose the 2nd time in a row start doubling your bet. Once you win again go back to the minimum bet. If you are able to double it 7 times like at the casino I went to, you have a 93% chance to flat out double your money. If you are only able to double your bet 6 times there is an 80% chance you will double your money. basically you play to NEVER bust.
Ok so here´s the problem. You can probably only do this once at a casino, because you´ll get "flagged". you know you´re flagged when the dealer presses a red button, so watch for it. it helps to stand at the table so you can see it. Try to find the button before you sit down and get a view of it. What happened is they upped the table min because of me and I still was winning. i was up at 4x the amount of money I walked in with after only 4 hours of betting. The pit boss tried to get me to get a card to track my winnings 30 mins from when I left. I just said i would get one and never did.
You have to make them think you are winning legitly to win the most money. So here´s a few ideas. Act a little excited when you get a blackjack, or when you win more than the minimum bet back. Try not to make too much eye contact with the dealer, and watch the dealer´s cards even though it´s irrelevent what the dealer has. there is only a 31% chance there will be a card that is worth 10, so don´t pretend it´s like 50% chance and bet that way (like most people in a casino think). Try not to interact with the players. now the main thing is people will think you are counting cards. I would suggest telling the dealer to hold your place and going to the bathroom right when a new deal is coming. You can also watch a tv for an entire hand, just tell them to pass you this turn. I also wouldn´t tip big. You can tip the dealer and the people serving drinks, but keep the tips really light. That way you´ll draw the least attention possible. Every time you earn 1/2 of the table maximum I´d suggest cashing out and breaking it for hundred dollar bills. Go to a table with another pit boss when you come back, but make sure every table is not full before you change tables. It took them 2 hours to figure out i was doing it and i had my back turned for about 30 mins also. They won t figure out for a couple hours at least. It´s common procedure to change dealers and decks. Don´t think they caught on in the first hour. I´d say if you are really good it will take them 3-6 hours to figure out what you are doing, and you´ll already be up many times what you walked in with. .
Don´t be fooled this is not a surefire way to win millions like I thought. The casino finally stopped me by cheating. I think they gave me a deck which had a lot of aces 2s 3s and 4s. if you think that has just happened, you should change your playing to do exactly what the dealer does, but still use your progressive betting system. I would caution against doing this because even though you will still be winning, the casino will be very angry with you. If you are pretty sure that just happened, i´d just play until that deck is gone and then walk out I have no clue what they do after the low card deck and you can lose a lot of money with this betting system fast.
Well I hope this helps. True blackjack means dealer pushes on ties, dealer hits on 16 and holds on 17. those are the most important parts of this system. Oh and never take insurance or split. Maybe you can split but I haven´t run probabilities for that. I´m sure there is a better way to bet and a better way to play than what I wrote here, but it´s extremely difficult to figure out probabilities for them. i am not saying who I am and I am using a free website host. I will fight to keep this page up, and I´ll keep reposting it on different website hosts if someone decides to try to mess with it. I have this saved on a computer and a cd, so doing anything to this free ftp page is irrelevent. I´ll check it on a regular basis. Feel free to link this to twitter or facebook if you want. There is almost no way to track me to this and I am kinda angry casinos cheat.
as they say in a casino, good luck! funny thing is this time you won´t need much of it. have fun and I hope you double or make 10x what you walked in with! from your friendly mr ocean "first I know all the people that you would hire to come after me. they like me more than you do, and second let´s face it, you won´t go to the cops, well, you won´t go to the cops" - oceans 13
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